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Friday, September 27, 2013

3 Tips For Motivating Weight Loss in Yourself

A big part of getting thinner is motivating weight loss in yourself. The challenge comes because most of us don't truly understand what motivates us to change. This article shares 3 tips for motivating weight loss in yourself that are not only proven by researchers to work but have also worked for real life people.

1. Faster is better. This one will surprise you. What has been found to motivate people is getting fast results that come from making drastic changes in their eating and exercise habits. What they found was that people who made dramatic changes had to move through the discomfort of change but the changes they made resulted in very visible changes to their bodies. This helped them see that the changes were well worth the effort and kept them motivated to stay on track.

2. Jump into exercise. This can be a controversial tip for those who tell themselves that they hate to exercise or have no time for exercise. The truth however is if you take the plunge and start an exercise plan that challenges your body, your body will quickly adapt to this new routine and you will find your motivation to continue because you will see your body changing its shape.

3. Mindset matters. You cannot keep your motivation high if you are constantly using negative self-talk. Keep your thoughts positive and focused forward meaning you want to lock your focus on all of the good things that will come into your life through the changes you are making.

If you are looking for ways of motivating weight loss in yourself then know that research and real life shows that faster results are better, boosting your exercise helps you see results quicker and that your self-talk must stay positive. The results will come.

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